Cloud Chamber Wet
Scrubber is superior to an ESP; uses just 600 watts of power.
More effective than ESP devices for submicron particulate.
The Cloud Chamber Scrubber® (CCS®)
was developed by Dr. Clyde Richards, Atmospheric Physics, Inc.
(Albuquerque, NM), and is licensed to Tri-Mer Corporation. In a
Cloud Chamber Scrubber, billions of droplets and particles move
continuously in relation to each other. As they approach 10
microns of separation, electrical attraction causes the particulate to
enter the droplets. This means that collector water droplets are
delivered to the particulate in a way that has never been accomplished
Cloud Chamber
Scrubber offers significant performance advantages over ESP emissions
equipment and other devices for controlling submicron
particulate. Chief among them is the requirement of less than 1"
of pressure drop per CCS stage under full load operation. This
factor is a major contributor to the CCS system’s low operating costs,
compared to ESP and similar devices. The power requirements for ESP emissions devices are over 100 times greater than CCS.
CCS also removes fumes and gases, including HCl, HF, HNO3, H2SO4, SO2, Cl2 and NH3,
simultaneously with particulate, which an ESP cannot do. This is
important because now one device can handle submicron particulate and
hazardous fumes simultaneously.
CCS is 99.99%+ efficient for particulate from 0.1 to 300+ microns.
Systems are manufactured in UV-stabilized polypropylene, FRP, PVC, 304
and 316 stainless steel, and higher alloy materials. To
demonstrate the effectiveness of the CCS for your application, Tri-Mer
offers a Pilot Plant Program. |